As part of the Career Insights program, hundreds of people were interviewed for a wide range of jobs. I was filmed for both Web Developer and PHP Developer roles. I believe I was the only person featured in two videos, which I found to be quite a compliment.
There was no prior practice for this. I showed up and was asked a bunch of questions about the jobs. After 25 years in the field, I guess there’s not much I don’t know!
Here’s a snapshot of the other roles and people interviewed: Baker, Clerk, Lawyer, Nurse, Teacher, Welder, Accountant—the list goes on and on and on and on.
I can’t bring myself to watch the videos because I find it difficult to see myself on TV, but feel free to search for them on YouTube or visit the SEEK website to see if you can spot me. It might be easier to find me there.
Also thanks to RealPeople for getting me the gig.